Published: 2020-06-09
(1)Education Background 2001/09-2004/06,Ph.D. in Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University 1998/09-2001/07,M.A. in Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Sichuan University 1989/09-1993/07,B.A. in Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Xinyang Normal University (2) Research & Working Experience 07/1993-06/1998, teaching in the 2nd Middle School of Xinxiang in Henan Province 09/2004-present, Lecture, Associate Professor and Professor successively in School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University 07/2007-07/2009, Postdoctor in Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University 02/2010-03/2010, 07/2010-08/2010,Associate Research Fellow in Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University 03/2015-05/2015, Research Fellow in Deptment of Chinese, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, University of Macau. Heyou, Zhang. 2019. Some Issues on Financial Terms(關於金融屬於的幾個問題),Chinese terminology (中國科技術語)No.6. Heyou, Zhang. 2018. Scientific spirit and Localization in Languistic Research (語言研究中科學精神與本土化意識), Journal of Beijing Normal University (Philosophy and Social Edition)[北京師範大學學報(哲社版)], No.5. Heyou, Zhang. 2018. On Factivity, Reference and Viewpoint [敘實、指稱與視點], Collected Papers of Language Research (《語言研究集刊》),Shanghai: Fudan University Press. ( with Lai Weichen) Heyou, Zhang. 2017. An Introduction to Linguistics [《語言學引論》],Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press. (coauthor with Dong, Xiufang) Heyou, Zhang. 2016. Conceptual Scope, Functional Projection and Syntactic Structure of Parenthesis [概念域、功能投射與插入語的句法結構], Chinese Linguistics [《漢語學報》], Vol.2 :Pp 35-42. Heyou Zhang and Cao, Wan. 2015. Remarks on the “來VP來” and “来”[“來VP來”結構及“來”的性質], Chinese Learning[《漢語學習》], Vol.5: Pp 37-48. Heyou, Zhang. 2015. Lexical or Funtional: Remarks on Propertities of You and You + VP[詞彙性還是功能性:論“有VP”結構及“有”的性質], Bulletin of Linguistic Studies[《語言研究集刊》], Vol 15: Pp21-33, Shanghai: Shanghai Cishu Press. Heyou,Zhang. 2014. Where do they come from: the origin of cleft sentences and related problems in Mandarin Chinese. Cognitive Linguistic Studies, Vol.2:Pp 197-217. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Heyou Zhang. 2014. A Trial in Localization of Generative Syntax[當理論面對事實:生成句法學在漢語語境下的本土化嘗試], Studies of Chinese [《中國語文》] Vol.5: Pp454-462. Wu You and Heyou Zhang*. 2013. An Investigation on How-Why Alternation in Nanchang Dialect: From the cross-dialect comparison perspective. International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, Vol.4, Vol.3: pp1-16. [Correspondence author] Xinhua Zhang and Heyou Zhang. 2013. Essence of Negators and the Evolution of Chinese Negators [否定詞的實質與漢語否定詞的演變]. Journal of Remin University of China (Philosophy and Social Edition[《中國人民大學學報》(哲社版)]..Vol.4: Pp122-130. Heyou Zhang and Sze-Wing Tang. 2013. Verb Classification, Semantic Slection and Empty Object Construction in Chinese[動詞分類、語義選擇與漢語的空賓語結構]. Journal of Beijing Normal University (Philosophy and Social Edition)[《北京師範大學學報(哲社版)》]. Vol.4: Pp49-56. Heyou Zhang and Sze-Wing Tang. 2012. Lexical or Syntactic: On Interface Features of “X-shi”[詞法性還是句法性:論“X是”的介面特徵]. Chinese Teaching in the World [《世界汉语教学》]. Vol.1: Pp338-346. Heyou Zhang. 2012. Studies on Syntax and Semantics of SHI Construction [《“是”字結構的句法語義研究》]. Peking University Press. Beijing. [Japanese version, in process] Heyou Zhang and Sze-Wing Tang. 2011. On “shi” and “yes”.[ 論“是”與“yes”] Modern Foreign Language. [ 《現代外語》] Vol.2: Pp111-118. Heyou Zhang and Sze-Wing Tang. 2011.The Lisencinng of Empty Categories and Syntactic Difference on Topical Copular Sentences in Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese[空語類的允准及普通話、粵語話題類系詞句的句法差異]. Linguisitc Sciences.[《語言科學》] Vol. 1: Pp58-69. Heyou Zhang and Sze-Wing Tang. 2010. Syntax and Semantics on a Specific Type of “shi” Sentence Associated with Empty Category[與空語類相關的特異型“是”字句的句法、語義]. Comtemporary Linguisitcs [《當代語言學》]. Vol.1: Pp14-23. 《漢語句法學》. Sep, 2013. World Publishing Corporation. Original: The Syntax of Chinese, By C.-T. James, Huang, Y.-H. Audrey, Li, Yafei, Li, Cambridge University Press, 2009,12. 論名物化, Linguistic Research [《語言學研究》]. 2009 Vlo.7: pp261-292. Higher Education Press. Original: Remarks on Nominalization, By Noam, Chomsky (1970). [1] Host Chinese WH-words Morphologiy-Syntax Interface Research (Project No. 11BYY077), Duration: 2011.09-2014.12.. [2] Participate in Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences 2011 Annual Youth Funding Project “Chinese Lexical Selection Mechanism Research Based on Computation” (Grant No. 11YJC740116). [3] Event Structure Theory and Chinese Resultative Sentence Research under a Cross-Language Typological Comparative Perspective, Annual National Social Science Funded Project (Project No. 12BYY089). An Introduction to Linguistics [For BA] Language and Logic [For BA] An Introduction to Syntax [For MA] Methodology of Linguistics [For Ph D] Education & Working Experience
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