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Published: 2019-12-25

Prof. GUO Yingde 郭英德教授


Position: Professor

Qualifications: BA (BNU), MA (BNU), PhD (BNU)




Professor Guo Yingde (PhD, BNU, 1989) is Professor of Traditional Chinese Literature and Chinese Classical Philology in Beijing Normal University. He has published more than twenty books and more than 200 academic papers. His representative books include 《明清傳奇史》(History of the Chuanqi Drama in the Ming and Qing Dynasties , Jiangsu Ancient Books Press,1999; People’s Literature Press, 2012),《中國古代文體學論稿》(Essays of the Study on the Literary genre in Ancient China , Peking University Press2005. He hosts the Major Project of the National Social Sciences Foundation of China (14ZDB066).


代表性著述 Selected Publications:

Main Scholarly Monographs

2017, 《探尋中國趣味:中國古代文學的歷史文化思考》(Seeking Chinese InterestThoughts on the History and Culture about Ancient Chinese Literature, BeijingThe Commercial Press.

2013, 《中國散文通史·明代卷》(The General History of Chinese ProseVolume of Ming Dynastycooperate with Zhang Dejian, HefeiAnhui Education Press.

2006, 《中國戲曲的審美精神》(On the Artistic Spirit of Chinese Drama, TaibeiNational Press.

2005,《中國古代文體學論稿》(Essays of the Study on the Literary genre in Ancient China),BeijingPeking University Press.

2005,《明清文學史講演録》(Record of the Lecture on History of the Literature in the Ming and Qing Dynasties),GuilinGuangxi Normal University Press.

2004,《明清傳奇戲曲文體研究》(Research on the Genre of Chuanqi Drama in Ming and Qing Dynasties),BeijingThe Commercial Press.

1999,《明清傳奇史》(History of the Chuanqi Drama in the Ming and Qing Dynasties),NanjingJiangsu Ancient Books),BeijingPeople’s Literature Press2012.

1997, 《明清傳奇綜録》(Abstract of the Chuanqi Drama in the Ming and Qing Dynasties),ShijiazhuangHebei Education Press.

Recent and Important Essays in Journals

      2019,“‘The Commoner’s ProseThe Strengthening of Literary Identity Consciousness and the Transfer of Cultural Power in the Early Qing Dynasty”(布衣之文:清前期文坛身份意识的强化与文化权力的转移),Journal of Fujian Normal UniversityPhilosophy and Social Sciences Edition)福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)52019),126-136.

     2018,“A New Explanation of Ruan Yuan’s Concept on Wenzhang”(“以经术、文章 主持风会”——阮元“文章之学”新诠),Literary Review(文学评论)62018),183-192.

     2018,“The Discourse on the Generic Patterns of San WenProsein The Catalogue of the Complete Library in Four Sections”(《四库全书总目》论散文的文体形态特征),Journal of Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学学报 42018),1-11.

     2017Imagination and RealismForeign Stories and Performances in Modern Chinese Opera”(想象与写实:近代中国戏曲中的外国故事及表演),Seeker 求索 82017),25-34.

     2016Ritual and SymbolOn Drama Performance in Mao Xiang’s Dequan Hall in the 17th Year of Shunzhi Reign”(儀式與象徵:清順治十七年冒襄得全堂夜宴演劇述論),Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies 嶺南學報 62016),63-88.

     2016Noise and SolitudeThe Fashioning and Self-fashioning of Playwright Tang Xianzu around the Year 1616”(喧囂與寂寞——1616年前後劇作家湯顯祖的自塑與他塑),Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute 澳門理工學報  Vol.19No.32016),5-21.

    2014From Speaking to Listening and from Writing to Reading as Tow Means of Ancient Chinese Stories Generation and Interactional Relation”(“说—听”与“写—读”——中国古代白话小说的两种生成方式及其互动关系),Academic Research 学术研究(Guangdong Shekelian 广东社科联),22014),134-141.

    2013FormationJuxtaposition and Deduction of Multiple Spaces”(多重空间的形构、并置与演绎——李玉〈万里圆〉传奇的“空间”解读),Literary Review 文学评论 42013),143-152.

    2013Interactions between the Literati and the YaringThe Emergence of the Banyan Theory of the Ming Dynasty”(文士与优伶的互动:明代戏曲搬演论的生成)Social Sciences in China 中国社会科学 32013),141-160.with Wang Mengxiao

    2010,“An Overview of Research on Classical Chinese Drama in North America1998-2008)”,Asian Theatre JournalVol.27No. 12010),149-171.

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